Sunday, 13 July 2008

adikku haikal

I've just talked to my mom on d phone just now. Hu..I was actually trying to be an obedient daughter, trying to call her and tell her dat im going to be away for 3weeks. hihi..and she told me that she don't know what to do with my last bro, Haikal. He's soooo into video gaming that games have become his life since morn till dawn. Believe me or not, he can not eat and didn't even bother to go out of my home when he has these games in his hands. oh mom said she just got Haikal's Report Card a few weeks ago n his result is..OMG, truk bena! Xpenah2 lg la adik bradikku dpt seteruk itu. If i were home mmg nk kene brainwash btol la bdak sorang nieh. Saba je la. My mom said she didn't know what more to do with him. Some of my conversation with mom:-

Mom: 'mak xtaula nk watpe lg ngn haikal tu. Nak anta g tusyen die xnak. Nak aja die xnak. Nk pggil ckgu dtg umah aja lg la die xnak'
Me : Eh, pastu die watpe je kt umah? Xkan bia je die men game dr pagi smpai malam?
Mom: Iye, die duk men game je bdak tu. Result da la trok. PMR lg sebulan stengah satu ape pon die xstat
study lg. Pastu pagi2 gelap2 lg da kne anta die kt stesen lrt nk g skola. ptg2 kul 5.30 cmtu die kol la suh
Me : Ish, pastu nape amek gak die? Wat penat je g anta amek. Pasni xpayah da anta die,suh die pegi sendri
je...wat abes duet je... (
mahal okey ulang alik nek lrt g skola die tu.da la jauh.dlu elok2 duk asrama nk kua plak)
Mom: Hu...*speechless* la..haha..mmg im quite direct je ble da gram. I dunno wat to say to my mom la when she told me haikal's result. When i asked her 'pastu mak watpe?' She just said.. 'Nak buat ape? xtau la nk wat ape.xkan nk marah kot? xde gune kalo marah pon". adeii... hu..mmg xleh nak pakse kan bdak2 ni utk blaja? hm..Haikal is too much to be pampered kot. If it was me dlu da lame kne mara. aih. Hopefully he'll change 1 day nnti.. aminn..



Anonymous said...

I had some kind of experiences which is simmiler to your mom's case.

In my case, when we were small our parents were young to. They had the young blood (darah muda) but when our small siblings were small, my parent already old.

So, awal-awal i came back from the boarding school i said, why my mom manjekan budak-budak ni! Then i began tu ungkit, dulu if i do this you will.. bla.. bla.. bla..

but bila dah lama.. i realized, my parent dah tua. Diorang dah tak sampai hati nak marah-marah. Diorang dah letih. I dont blame them to be strict with us and not to our youngers but i also realized that i must do what should i do to my siblings and do not let the condition spoils them.

This is life.. very colorfull..

Solehah Muhammad said...

adik kite pun ade sorang yg case lebih kurang mcm adik hani. banyak2 sabar ye. mungkin mrk belum matang. akan ada sesuatu hal yang insya allah akan mengetuk pintu hati mereka dan membuat mereka sedar. cuma lama atau sebentar. kene banyak2 doa. salam untuk mak hani ye :) die dulu yg uruskan akaun bank BSN kite ^O^ hehee