Most of my friends are already working an accountants...lawyers..teachers..engineers..researchers..lecturers..and some, who are still studying are mostly doctors or dentists to be. Anyone who has become a businessman here? contact me.haha, kidding ;p
Working in a new environment meaning i have to make new friends..and it is not that easy i think..bcoz it has been a long time since i make new friends. Well, usually we met or get to know each other indirectly, but this, we have to go back to "hai, what's ur name, etc2". It's interesting and funny at the same time. haha..
When we met new friends and acquaintances, we started to realize that there are a lot of nice and not-so-nice people out there..and that this world is small. Sometimes our new friends could be a friend of our old it? yeah. It's not bad.
I just wonder why some people are so 'alergic' to some people. they can't even see that person's face or heard his/her voices. I just wonder why. Too annoying? Too gediks? Too gatal? Well, try to not judge people from their outside. We ourselves are not perfect right? If you don't like them, it's not anyone fault. You can just do your own business. You don't have to show your concern of what she's wearing, where did he go, or whom with if you really don't like them right? I wonder why people have to talk bad and make a sour face when they met the people they do not like. Jealousy perhaps? I've read somewhere that this might be true. You keep talking or stalking that person becoz u're so obses with someone or something, and bcoz u can't be like them when u actually wanted to. The question is, if u don't like, why bother?
As simple as that.
Just another thought scrawling up my mind at this hour at night.haha.

biasa la...
hadir dlm mcm2 pakej...
hoho..btul tu...
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