Continue this game by taggin 7 people
* ah kam koko
* hazie darl
* najia
* farhana jabir
* k.eni
* myra marjon cohort 4
* tiku! :)
1. What have you been doing recently?
Reading 'Tuesdays with Morrie' by Mitch Albom. Indeed an inspiring and thoughtful novel =)
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
Yep.Always time i tdo malam n sometimes time sye terlalu marah xp
3. What happened at today?
in Dewan Kuliah B dengar lecture Assesment ;p
4. When did you last cry?
Smalam! Kt umah kene bebel! ;p
5. Believe in fate/ destiny?
yep. Nothing happen coincidentally n everything that happen, happened for a reason ;)
6. What do you want in your life now?
Be more focus in what im doing, n put aside all the personal problems in the time being ;p
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
If i have one, i will. IF xde, redah je la. Actually i x ske sgt men ujan sbb i slalu imagine nnti tgh lari2 dlm ujan tbe2 kene panah petir cmne? ye i ske pkir sometimes it feels good to enveloped urself in nature ;)
8. What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed?
Reading novel, sleeping, n if the light is off, ske woo borak2 time light off compared to light on ;p
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
er..pyjamas kotak2! haha..
10. What’s the nicest thing in your inbox?
confessions from d deepest of heart =)
11. Do you tend to make the relationship complicated? i? i dunno. u tell me.haha
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
nope.i dun like borrowing or lending thing esp. clothes actually.haha..not stingy but just..i dunno, i juz dun like it. but now i'm learning to b more sharing i guess ;)
13. What was the last movie you caught?
oh sedih.apekah.d muvi or d rumah? haha..d rumah 'pensil' ;)
14. What are you proud of?
im proud to b born as a muslim ..
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
"rindu sama kamu"
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
haha..i rarely sing a song out loud. utk sndri dgr je kot.matahari-agnes monica ;)
17. Do you have any nicknames?
hani.hunny bunny.honey.hun.syg.adik. xp
18. What does the newest text say?
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
almost 12pm kot
20. Are you currently happy?
well..i wanted to be happy ;)
21. Who gives you the best advise?
bestfriends. but usually i love to follow my stubborn i kno ;p
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
no.but i can eat susu tepung 'Dumex' straight away from it's tin smpai skarang.hehe..(tp kt umah i xdela susu tu kan ;p)
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
last night? munir n ayo. they called me ;)
24. Is something bugging you now?
Urmm..lots of things to settle.
25. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
laugh wud b ayo kot. he said something bout muna's name resembling to a skim simpanan.ade ke ptt? haha ;p
Monday, 23 February 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
ding dong
wuu...kne mara lgi sbb lmbat masak.. :( isk..isk..actually i didn't know that im supposed to cook for today's lunch. My mom didn't tell me anything so as usual im assuming that she will be cooking today. So after breakfast, i just locked myself in my room surfing the net until i heard my mom grumbling n shouting outside (u kno how a teacher scolds right? with their high pitch voice etc2..haha ;p ) my mom was nagging why i haven't cooked anything yet (it's already 1.30pm) and i was like..what? Xtau pon im supposed to masak today? lgpon i xtau my mom was not home just now. baru blk skola kot. hu ;( 5 mins of nagging wif me still inside my room..(ye..kerana sye x bole n xske kene mara nnti sye nanges, so to avoid dat sye tggu smpai my mom ok skit).
Then kua blek, tpakse mendengar marahan seterusnye..sye tpakse bsabar wlpon sye rse itu bkn slah sye tak memasak lgi kerana tak the corner of my eyes da genang2 air, tp tahan2, buat2 tgk tv..haha..sye x ske menanges depan org, x kesah la family ke sape ke =p...seperti biase, ayah sye slalu back up sye..mse jalan kat dpur smpt lg die bisik "tula, spe suh balik, kan da kene wat kje".hehe..he's kidding of coz sje nk buat sye gelak ;p
akhirnye siap la 2 dishes yg simple..xtau la rase ape sbb sye msak x suke merasa hanya mengagak.okay kot rsenye mgkn x jge sbb emosi tganggu sbentar ketika memasak.haha..sorry guys, bukan niat sye nak membebel atau mengkomplen pasal family/ situasi d rumah, tp inikan blog sye, so sye hanye meluahkan ape yg sye rse...haha..enough said la.jom masak.
Ayam Masak Sos Tiram
Ayam dipotong kecil (kuantiti ikut suke rase)
6 ulas bwg putih (mayang halus)
1 bsr ibu jari halia (mayang halus)
1/3 btg carrot (potong bulat nipis2)
1sd kecik tpung jagung (bncuh dgn skit air)
sdikit lada sulah
sdikit sos tiram
sdikit kicap cair
sdikit myk masak utk menumis
sdikit daun bwg daun sup utk hiasan
1) Panaskan mnyak masak, tumis bwg putih +halia.
2) Setelah bwg kuning, masukkan ketulan2 ayam tadi, + sdikit air + tutup periuk itu. Tunggu sehingga ayam empuk.
3) Setelah air hampir kering, + lada sulah + kicap cair+ sdkit sos tiram. Kacau2 dan boleh tmbah sdikit air lgi.
4) Masukkan carrot. tutup periuk biar sehingga carrot empuk.
5) Apabila carrot telah empuk, + 1 tea spoon tpung jgung (yg telah dbncuh ngn air) dan kacau2 smpai sebati. Kalau nk pekat boleh letak byk skit tpung jgg ye.
6) Tunggu sehingga ayam masak, tutup api, dan taburkan daun bwg daun sup sbgai hiasan.siap! :)
maaf, gmbarnya tiada kerana x sempat nk ambil my dad sudah tggu d meja makan.huahuhaua ;p
Sayur Campur
brocolli (potong kecil2 supaye mudah ditelan)
cauliflower (sama sperti di atas)
carrot(potong bulat nipis)
5 ketul udang
sdikit sos tiram
bwg putih + bwg merah (potong halus)
sdikit mnyk masak
1) Tumis bwg mrah + bwg putih
2) Masukkan udang dan kacau2
3) masukkan carrot +sdikit air. biar empuk
4) masukkan cauliflower.kacau2
5)MAsukkan brocolli & +sdikit sos tiram da kacau2 smpai sebati
6) Siap utk dimakan. haha..snang banget.boleh je ubah ikut cita rsa sndri.tmbh ikan bilis ke ape ke.ok.
Itu sje menu merajuk utk hari ini.sekian trime kasih. xp
Then kua blek, tpakse mendengar marahan seterusnye..sye tpakse bsabar wlpon sye rse itu bkn slah sye tak memasak lgi kerana tak the corner of my eyes da genang2 air, tp tahan2, buat2 tgk tv..haha..sye x ske menanges depan org, x kesah la family ke sape ke =p...seperti biase, ayah sye slalu back up sye..mse jalan kat dpur smpt lg die bisik "tula, spe suh balik, kan da kene wat kje".hehe..he's kidding of coz sje nk buat sye gelak ;p
akhirnye siap la 2 dishes yg simple..xtau la rase ape sbb sye msak x suke merasa hanya mengagak.okay kot rsenye mgkn x jge sbb emosi tganggu sbentar ketika memasak.haha..sorry guys, bukan niat sye nak membebel atau mengkomplen pasal family/ situasi d rumah, tp inikan blog sye, so sye hanye meluahkan ape yg sye rse...haha..enough said la.jom masak.
Ayam Masak Sos Tiram
Ayam dipotong kecil (kuantiti ikut suke rase)
6 ulas bwg putih (mayang halus)
1 bsr ibu jari halia (mayang halus)
1/3 btg carrot (potong bulat nipis2)
1sd kecik tpung jagung (bncuh dgn skit air)
sdikit lada sulah
sdikit sos tiram
sdikit kicap cair
sdikit myk masak utk menumis
sdikit daun bwg daun sup utk hiasan
1) Panaskan mnyak masak, tumis bwg putih +halia.
2) Setelah bwg kuning, masukkan ketulan2 ayam tadi, + sdikit air + tutup periuk itu. Tunggu sehingga ayam empuk.
3) Setelah air hampir kering, + lada sulah + kicap cair+ sdkit sos tiram. Kacau2 dan boleh tmbah sdikit air lgi.
4) Masukkan carrot. tutup periuk biar sehingga carrot empuk.
5) Apabila carrot telah empuk, + 1 tea spoon tpung jgung (yg telah dbncuh ngn air) dan kacau2 smpai sebati. Kalau nk pekat boleh letak byk skit tpung jgg ye.
6) Tunggu sehingga ayam masak, tutup api, dan taburkan daun bwg daun sup sbgai hiasan.siap! :)
maaf, gmbarnya tiada kerana x sempat nk ambil my dad sudah tggu d meja makan.huahuhaua ;p
Sayur Campur
brocolli (potong kecil2 supaye mudah ditelan)
cauliflower (sama sperti di atas)
carrot(potong bulat nipis)
5 ketul udang
sdikit sos tiram
bwg putih + bwg merah (potong halus)
sdikit mnyk masak
1) Tumis bwg mrah + bwg putih
2) Masukkan udang dan kacau2
3) masukkan carrot +sdikit air. biar empuk
4) masukkan cauliflower.kacau2
5)MAsukkan brocolli & +sdikit sos tiram da kacau2 smpai sebati
6) Siap utk dimakan. haha..snang banget.boleh je ubah ikut cita rsa sndri.tmbh ikan bilis ke ape ke.ok.
Itu sje menu merajuk utk hari ini.sekian trime kasih. xp
Friday, 20 February 2009
Hadiah buat HazriQ :) hadapan sahabatku hazriq,
Terlebih dahulu saye ingin memohon maaf kerana tidak dapat menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas mahupun testimonial ketika hari lahir kamu kerana faktor ingin menyampaikan ucapan melalui to face. Oleh itu, maafkan di atas kecuaian saye yg mungkin telah menyebabkan anda berkecil hati ataupun sewaktu dengannnye. Walapun terlambat wish 10 jam setengah, tp ketahuilah sesungguhnye saye tidak lupe hari lahir kamu. Maafkan saye wahai teman :)
Saye tahu pada hari tersebut mungkin kamu sangat2 merindui beethoven berdasarkan bukti2 nyata beberapa hari sebelum hari lahir kamu. Saye pasti, beetho yg sudahpun mempunyai nama baru tentu merindui kamu juge :D Walaupun beetho tidak ade di sisi utk menemani kamu tido dan bermain, tetapi, kamu masih mempunyai rakan2 di sekeliling kamu yg sye rse sudah tentu menyayangi kamu n rela teman kamu bermain di padang da tdo tidak sekatil.haha.. xp Oleh itu, usahlah kamu terlalu bersedih hati kerana merindui beethoven..anggap je lah rakan2 di sekeliling kamu sebagai pengganti beethoven tersebut.
Dan, maafkan sye selame ini jika sye ade mem/terbuat kamu terasa/ terkecil hati/ termarah kamu.maafkan saya.saya hanya wanita yg emosi nye tak selalunye stabil seperti air di tasik yg tiada raksaksak Nessy.maafkan sye wahai teman =] sesungguhnya pada waktu2 tersebut mungkin sye terlalu mengikut emosi tanpa berfikir pnjng/ menyelidik terlebih dahulu.forgive me ;( Kemudian, sye berharap agar kamu menjadi lebih kacak (tp xleh lbih comel dr sye), lebih hepi, lebih sabar, n gagah dlm menghadapi hari2 mendatang.hihi..n terima kasih kerana menjadi seorang sahabat yg sangat caring, bertanggungjawab, dan sgt suke membantu di kala rakan2 di dalam kesusahan. Ketulusan hati anda memang tidak dapat dipertikaikan dan mmg sye sgt kagum dgn ciri2 tersebut pada anda. anda selalu mengutamakan org laen dr diri anda sendiri, suka menolong orang lain, dan sgt menghargai rakan2 anda. Terime kasih wahai teman. Saye bersyukur dapat mengenali teman sebaik kamu.N kalo sakit, makan ubat. Jangan malu2 bertanye okay? :)
Selamat hari lahir sekali lagi sahabatku :)
Sekian, terima kasih.
Daripada sahabat yg lagi comel dr kamu,
6th photo from my 6th folder
i've been tagged by hazie comel!
here's the instruction:-
Go to your photos folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and describe about it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

Haha..d above picture was taken during kak yuni's a.k.a my ex-housemate birthday last year in UK. It was taken on the 15th September 2008 (also my bb's birthday ;]) d picture was me (standing) n kak yuni (sitting) with me holding the cheesecake that i baked for her..the cheesecake was actually my 1st attempt to baked a cheesecake and guess what, it is delicious!! HEHE...hepi2! :D nk i buatkan utk kamu? boley2, just prepare d bahan2.hehe..but cheese kt mesia mahal kan..n d butter as well..kt cni i ble hr tu unsalted butter seketul rm10.34! bankrupt i cmni! kdg2 utk org tsayang takpe la..i buat jgak..haha.. ;)
i nk link:-
1) zarul syg
2) sofie dearie
3) warid mihat
4) faiz lazim
5) solehah rindu!
:D gudlak darls~
here's the instruction:-
Go to your photos folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and describe about it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.
Haha..d above picture was taken during kak yuni's a.k.a my ex-housemate birthday last year in UK. It was taken on the 15th September 2008 (also my bb's birthday ;]) d picture was me (standing) n kak yuni (sitting) with me holding the cheesecake that i baked for her..the cheesecake was actually my 1st attempt to baked a cheesecake and guess what, it is delicious!! HEHE...hepi2! :D nk i buatkan utk kamu? boley2, just prepare d bahan2.hehe..but cheese kt mesia mahal kan..n d butter as well..kt cni i ble hr tu unsalted butter seketul rm10.34! bankrupt i cmni! kdg2 utk org tsayang takpe la..i buat jgak..haha.. ;)
i nk link:-
1) zarul syg
2) sofie dearie
3) warid mihat
4) faiz lazim
5) solehah rindu!
:D gudlak darls~
10 facts about me
Aigoo...i've been tagged again.this might b a repetition from my fb notes, tp xpelah.letak jgak lah. hhoo.. :}

1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda ~ dah letak
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda ~ dari k.nini ;)
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri ...
1) I'm d second one out of 5 siblings..
2) Was born in Butterworth, n raised up in KL..
3) Have been living in the current house for almost 18 years..(haha lame kan? kan? ;p)
4) Don't like messy things..If i just got back from somewhere n see my room is very messy, i wud definitely clean up d room first. Or if im really2 tired, at least i'll clean up d bed first(penting ni) ;p
5) I dun like to do work half way..once i've started something, i wud like to finish dat first even if i had to skip my meal or my fav show..
6) Fickle minded. I can change my mind in seconds.
7) Yes, d above point explains that im easily influenced by d people around me xP (oh..oh..)
8) Tend to be dependent when they're people around me.
9) Easily touched..(dat y i xleh tgk cte industan, mesti nk nanges esp kalo ade bab2 psl family/life! tp sye suke!ho..)
10) Single but not available ;P not a thing anyway xp

1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda ~ dah letak
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda ~ dari k.nini ;)
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri ...
1) I'm d second one out of 5 siblings..
2) Was born in Butterworth, n raised up in KL..
3) Have been living in the current house for almost 18 years..(haha lame kan? kan? ;p)
4) Don't like messy things..If i just got back from somewhere n see my room is very messy, i wud definitely clean up d room first. Or if im really2 tired, at least i'll clean up d bed first(penting ni) ;p
5) I dun like to do work half way..once i've started something, i wud like to finish dat first even if i had to skip my meal or my fav show..
6) Fickle minded. I can change my mind in seconds.
7) Yes, d above point explains that im easily influenced by d people around me xP (oh..oh..)
8) Tend to be dependent when they're people around me.
9) Easily touched..(dat y i xleh tgk cte industan, mesti nk nanges esp kalo ade bab2 psl family/life! tp sye suke!ho..)
10) Single but not available ;P not a thing anyway xp
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Is there a twinkle of hope?

Benarlah kata pepatah bahawa "Kita hanya akan tahu menghargai sesuatu itu apabila ia telah tiada'...haha..ayat cm karangan UPSR plak ;p
But hey, don't u agree with me? We always take things which we have around us for granted. We never realized their importance to us until they're gone..We simply forgot or didn't care about them because we think they are always there for us..until one day, we lost them..They're not by our side anymore..They stop communicating and interacting with us..They left without a word..without a warning or signal..until then, u'll realized how much they meant to you didn't you? You'll start to think how significant they are in your life and how much u need them..yes, not want, but need ..
But always, yes always, things are too late..too late before the facts come knocking in your head..too late to realize everything..too late for you to say sorry, too late to regret anything, too late for you to feel guilty, and too late before you know they're gone...But some of us are lucky as they have got their second chance to re-do their actions, to improve themselves, and to revise their thoughts...But happen to those who don't have that 2nd chance? They'll be left out with regrets and sorrow perhaps throughout their whole life..who knows right? That's why i believe everyone deserves a second the saying goes 'no one is perfect' but we can always try to b perfect although we knew that we can never be one..hey, there's no harm in trying right? At least u have a guts to do so =P
HAha..what la yg im babbling nieh..actually i wanted to write about IPGM KBA more spesifically my hostel yg slaluuuu tadak air! Yg bertambah pelik tu, umah atas ade air, umah bawah ade, umah depan pon ade. Tapi apsal umah kami je yg xde air ha?ha? ha? Nak ckp ktorg gune byk air, xde la sgt. semua org pon mandi dengan kadar air dan mase yg dapat diterima akal fikiran sama seperti mereka2 di rumah kenapa? wai? wai? wai?? duh...sekejap xpe, boleh sabar lagi tp kalo lama? kalo kerap? isk..we paid for d bills we expect at least our basic needs r being catered to..oh.. T_T Please ada air...soon...aminn..
oh.i miss watching gossip girls.
IPBA no more?

KAwan2, IPBA telah ditukar name menjadi IPGM Kampus Bahasa2 Antarabangsa ye..berkuatkuase dari 12/02/09. ho..(info ini sye dpt dr mulut seorang lecturer IPGM KBA sendiri..) WOhaaa!! IPGM Kampus Bahasa2 Antarabangsa (panjang gel name ini! Adekah apabile mahu menaiki taxi apabila mahu pulang dari mid valley kita harus menyebut nama sepanjang ini yg sye fkir mungkin akan hanye mngconfusekan lagi pemandu teksi tersebut?) huhauhauhaua...
oh,kepada mereka yg tak tahu di mana letaknye institut ini,ianya terletak berhampiran Universiti MAlaya (yg sye rase lgi femes dr institut sye spe x kenal mmg bukan org malaysia layak dibuang negeri xP) dan berhampiran Stadium Hoki KL..nk pegi sini senang je..ikut jalan pegi UM, but instead of u turn left into pintu gerbang UM, u drive straight, then pas nmpak satu signboard besa kaler biru belah kiri, masuk kiri.straight jee...smpai!! :D senang kan? huhauhauhaua;p
ok enough babbling ;p
Thursday, 12 February 2009
lalalla~ :D
I've just got my English for Science & Technology (EST) marks..fuh..nervous gila nk bukak masa dpt emel! ho..but alhamdulillah ok! :) hehhe...hepi2! so, pasni kene blaja rajen2 utk esemen sterusnye..chaiyok hani chaiyok! hehe :DD
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Pasar Malam Outing Mom Vs. Dad
with Dad-You'll probably get almost everything that u wish for without any question.
with Mom- You'll b interviewed with at least 5 questions before u get the things that u want. But though so, there's no confirmation that after u undergo the interview, u'll get that thing.
with Dad -You will only go and buy the things that you want to buy and then went straight away home.
with mom You'll probably has a chance to walk 10 steps, then waiting for the next 10 mins for mom to choose n bargain things, and then end up with none of us buying nothing.haha..
with dad- You can feel so pampered as dad will always ask u if u would like anything else and if he bought that something, he'll buy more than u need ;)
with mom- Mom will always weighing how much u really need that something and if it less important, don't dream u'll get it. She will say that don't spend money on things that u don't need.
with dadmost of the time u'll accompany him buying foods n fruits
with mom-most of d time u'll be accompanying her surveying things n buying vegetables.
with dad- u maybe will have a chance to actually round satu night market tu.
with mom-the chance will probably never occur. maybe yes if u're lucky. ;p
with dad-most of the time i'll b smiling coz i get what i want. but kene speed up my pace a bit la..kalo x i kene tnggal kt blaknag.haha
with mom-muncung sokmo coz slalu x dpt what i want n usually i have to slow down a bit or else my mom will be left alone at d back ;p
haha..anyway, a memorable experience with both. just prepare urself mentally n physically if u involved with either ;)
with Mom- You'll b interviewed with at least 5 questions before u get the things that u want. But though so, there's no confirmation that after u undergo the interview, u'll get that thing.
with Dad -You will only go and buy the things that you want to buy and then went straight away home.
with mom You'll probably has a chance to walk 10 steps, then waiting for the next 10 mins for mom to choose n bargain things, and then end up with none of us buying nothing.haha..
with dad- You can feel so pampered as dad will always ask u if u would like anything else and if he bought that something, he'll buy more than u need ;)
with mom- Mom will always weighing how much u really need that something and if it less important, don't dream u'll get it. She will say that don't spend money on things that u don't need.
with dadmost of the time u'll accompany him buying foods n fruits
with mom-most of d time u'll be accompanying her surveying things n buying vegetables.
with dad- u maybe will have a chance to actually round satu night market tu.
with mom-the chance will probably never occur. maybe yes if u're lucky. ;p
with dad-most of the time i'll b smiling coz i get what i want. but kene speed up my pace a bit la..kalo x i kene tnggal kt blaknag.haha
with mom-muncung sokmo coz slalu x dpt what i want n usually i have to slow down a bit or else my mom will be left alone at d back ;p
haha..anyway, a memorable experience with both. just prepare urself mentally n physically if u involved with either ;)
Gifts last boxes have arrived.n my mom was so happy coz she finally got her royal albert tableware which she loves so much.haha..xpe, s long s she's happy im happy too :) td mse tgk pic intan's wedding she commented on my sarong.ckp it looks too big.supposedly die kecik kt bhgian kaki i told her dat mebi d style is like that coz it's from indonesia..then she looked at the photos again n seemed determined to alter my sarong.haha..i was like, x payahla,susah nk jalan nnti. then my mom nk jgak ckp x lawa la kembang smacam la i was like..okeeyy...haha..(yg sbenanye i malas nk g umah nyonya tu lg nk kene ukur2 sume.aish.. ;p)

and this one is my set of tableware.i nk jgak la kan.da alang2 order tu.haha..but so sad.d piring2 pecah T_T ...xpela, nk wat
Saturday, 7 February 2009
intan sofia & saifuddin's wedding :)
guys, as promised, the photos..enjoy~ :)

saifuddin.d lucky guy who has won intan's heart :) god bless both of u :)

intan sofia omar.she's as pretty as her name isnt? :) im happy for her.congrats intan :)

congrats guys! you guys r so sweet together! :D

with ali and syarun!! hehe..kurus da mereka ni.sorry syarun, ali, lenkali i bwk u all jalan2 ea..ho

sesi mengalihkan tmpat renjis2 sbb ktorg nk bgamba.haha.. wat cm pelamin sendrik plak.sorry intan ;p hihihi

Congrats to both intan n saif, semoga bahagia berkekalan ke akhir hayat :)

Congrats to both intan n saif, semoga bahagia berkekalan ke akhir hayat :)
Are You Going to Finish Strong?
Guys, watch this. a very inspirational video recommended by a friend of mine. Nick Vujivic has no arms and legs but why do i feel like i'm more incapable compared to him? Click here.
What will happen if u give up trying? You will forever failed to stand up
Monday, 2 February 2009
Lizard Repellent
hehe..Ridsect Lizard Repellent!! Khas for those who don't like lizards or scared of them.haha..bukan i beli ok, but my sis hana. Dapat gaji die beli bnde alah ni.nak buat ape pon i x tau la..mepek sungguh.haha..but read dat, "this repellent doesn't kill lizards, only keeping them away from your wall". So i was like "what? lizard repellent friendly ke nih? haha ;p) nk gune die snag, spray je kt mane2 yg u all xnak cicak lalu.n insyallah d spray tu tahan for 6weeks. nk bersihkan wipe away with clean cloth and any bhn pencuci yg ade kt umah.sng kan? hihi..i xtry lgi coz stakat ni i x nmpak cicak lg (mebi akak i tuh da spray abes satu umah ni kot ;p) hhaa ;p
Daging Masak Mamak & Kacang panjang lenggang
Hey girls! Jom men masak2 jum! hihi...hari ni kte akan masak 'Daging Masak Mamak' bersama 'Kacang Panjang Lenggang' ye kawan2..o yes, mmg sye sje kasi nme kacng pnjng lenggang tu smate2 skadar suke2, xde kene mengena dgn yg idup maupun yg telah mninggal ni recipenye..
Daging Masak Mamak
500gm daging
300gm bwg merah dimayang (kre2 dlm 2 genggam tgn sye la.kalo tgn kmu besa, krgkan skit.hihi)
2sb cili boh
2sb myk sapi
1bj bwg besar
sdikit bunge lawang, kulit kayu manis,n buah pelaga (4 sekawan tuh)
2sb kicap cair
5tgkai daun kari
gram, gula, serbuk prasa
1) Perap daging + kicap cair for about 1 hour.
2) Panaskan myk + tumis bwg merah until kekuningan, then angkat n set aside.
3) Then panasakn skit minyak + tumis 4 sekwan tu.ble da naek bau tu, masukkan daun kari ye kawan2. igt, daun je, jgn p masuk ngn tgkai2 skali.tcekik kang nk makan ;p
4) Pastu masukkan cili boh + tumis smpai garing..
5) Then masukkan daging perap td bersama sdikit air..(nk bg dgging empuk kan..nnti liat plak).Pastu bia la dgg tu empuk..dlm mse 30 mins gak kalo nk dgg cpt empuk slain gne pressure cooker is msukkan kce ke seramik? dlm priuk yg msk dgg tu..insyallah cpt kt umah ni ktorg gne ade sudu kace yg gune utk mkn eskrem tu..kecik ltak je dlm priuk bsame dgg tu..hehe..x pecah pon sudu tu..heho..
6) pastu ble dgg tu da empuk,leh la masukkan bwg merah+ bwg besar+ garam+gula dll...
7) siap! hihi..kalo nk hias ngn cili belah 4 tu pon bole..sdap2! heehe

so tadaa! ini hasilnye..hihi..sorry la mmg gelap skit sesuai dgn namenye ;p tp sdap woo..pastu kalo deco ltak cili belah 4 tu cun x smpat hr ini pon jd la..hehe
Kacang Panjang Lenggang
1 bj bwg merah
4 ulas bwg putih
1 ikat kcg pnjang
1 bj telur
sdikit serbuk kunyit
sdikit lada sulah
sdikit garam
1) Tumis bwg mrh + bwg putih. Mak sye ckp bwg putih bek utk leh ltak byk2.hehe..
2) Then, masukkan lada sulah..goreng kejap then masukkan kcg pnjng...goreng lagi.
3) pastu agak2 da lmbut skit, masukkan telur + gram+ sdikit serbuk kunyit. kacau2 smpai telur hncur...
4) goreng lagi smpai rse2 da masak..
5) siap! Senang je kan..hehe..

tada! hihi..wlpon simple, tp syur ni is 1 of my favourite.sye leh abeskan sepinggan ni sorg.hehe
ok,sekian sje untuk hr ini, bertemu kte d laen hr pade waktu yg sye xtau ble.hehe.da~ :D
Daging Masak Mamak
500gm daging
300gm bwg merah dimayang (kre2 dlm 2 genggam tgn sye la.kalo tgn kmu besa, krgkan skit.hihi)
2sb cili boh
2sb myk sapi
1bj bwg besar
sdikit bunge lawang, kulit kayu manis,n buah pelaga (4 sekawan tuh)
2sb kicap cair
5tgkai daun kari
gram, gula, serbuk prasa
1) Perap daging + kicap cair for about 1 hour.
2) Panaskan myk + tumis bwg merah until kekuningan, then angkat n set aside.
3) Then panasakn skit minyak + tumis 4 sekwan tu.ble da naek bau tu, masukkan daun kari ye kawan2. igt, daun je, jgn p masuk ngn tgkai2 skali.tcekik kang nk makan ;p
4) Pastu masukkan cili boh + tumis smpai garing..
5) Then masukkan daging perap td bersama sdikit air..(nk bg dgging empuk kan..nnti liat plak).Pastu bia la dgg tu empuk..dlm mse 30 mins gak kalo nk dgg cpt empuk slain gne pressure cooker is msukkan kce ke seramik? dlm priuk yg msk dgg tu..insyallah cpt kt umah ni ktorg gne ade sudu kace yg gune utk mkn eskrem tu..kecik ltak je dlm priuk bsame dgg tu..hehe..x pecah pon sudu tu..heho..
6) pastu ble dgg tu da empuk,leh la masukkan bwg merah+ bwg besar+ garam+gula dll...
7) siap! hihi..kalo nk hias ngn cili belah 4 tu pon bole..sdap2! heehe
Kacang Panjang Lenggang
1 bj bwg merah
4 ulas bwg putih
1 ikat kcg pnjang
1 bj telur
sdikit serbuk kunyit
sdikit lada sulah
sdikit garam
1) Tumis bwg mrh + bwg putih. Mak sye ckp bwg putih bek utk leh ltak byk2.hehe..
2) Then, masukkan lada sulah..goreng kejap then masukkan kcg pnjng...goreng lagi.
3) pastu agak2 da lmbut skit, masukkan telur + gram+ sdikit serbuk kunyit. kacau2 smpai telur hncur...
4) goreng lagi smpai rse2 da masak..
5) siap! Senang je kan..hehe..
ok,sekian sje untuk hr ini, bertemu kte d laen hr pade waktu yg sye xtau ble.hehe.da~ :D
Sunday, 1 February 2009
wahh..teman baikku sudah berkahwin! tahniah!! jgn lupe ktorg tau.. :)
maaf, gambar hanya boleh diupload setelah miggu depan.sekian terima kasih.hehe;p
maaf, gambar hanya boleh diupload setelah miggu depan.sekian terima kasih.hehe;p
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